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Top 6 Delicious Alternatives to Peanut Butter


Peanut Butter is delicious, but there is a wide variety of other nut butter options! Made from different nuts and seeds, these alternatives to peanut butter contain healthy fats and protein to keep people fueled throughout the day. If someone has a peanut allergy, these butters can serve as great alternatives, but anyone can enjoy them for a taste of something new.

Almond Butter

Almond butter is a spread made from the seed of the almond tree. Rich in manganese, potassium and magnesium, almond butter is also a good source of protein and vitamin E. Since almonds are technically seeds, almond butter offers an alternative to those trying to avoid legumes.

Mix almond butter into oatmeal or yogurt for breakfast, or add a few tablespoons to thicken a mid-morning smoothie. Almond butter also makes a great base for vinaigrette or dressing for Asian salads, and it can add extra richness to purees and curry.

Sesame Seed Butter

Sesame butter is a spread made from roasted and pureed sesame seeds. High in fiber and healthy fats, sesame seed butter has a robust taste that makes it a great companion to numerous recipes.

Since sesame seeds naturally contain oil, sesame seed butter is a great base for dips and dressings. Simply add a spoonful of water along with salt and pepper to produce an excellent vegetable dip for carrots and celery. For an easy way to make tahini sauce, or sesame paste, buy organic sesame seed butter and add lemon juice along with a pinch of Middle Eastern spice blend. Sesame seed butter makes a delicious addition to any Asian stir-fry, and melted sesame seed butter also works as a topping for baked sweet potatoes, sautéed spinach or roasted asparagus.

Pecan Butter

Made from the nuts of various species of hickory tree, pecan butter has a rich, toasted and slightly sweet flavor. Often associated with regional recipes, pecan butter has a range of uses in breakfasts, desserts, and snacks.

Use warm pecan butter over vanilla ice cream to create a rich, homemade butter pecan flavor. Pecan butter also makes a great topping for waffles, and it is an excellent main ingredient for making pecan cookies, brittle or fudge.

Hazelnut Butter

Hazelnut butter is a rich spread made from the nuts of the hazel shrub. Known for its luxurious texture and slightly sweet flavor, this butter works well in numerous recipes because it helps enhance other flavors without overpowering them.

Hazelnut is famous in Europe as a complement to chocolate. Use hazelnut butter on top of cookies or to make chocolate hazelnut-butter cups, or spread it on s'mores to create a decadent treat.

Walnut Butter

Known for its high nutrient content, walnut butter is a source of protein and healthy fats that people can use in a host of dishes.

Spread this earthy butter directly on sandwiches or use it as an ingredient to thicken soup or bisque. Add walnut butter as a layer in a Neapolitan dessert or fruit parfait, or combine it with cranberries to make walnut butter granola bars.

Cashew Butter

Cashew butter is a lush spread that tastes delicious in both sweet and salty recipes. Rich in healthy fats and nutrients, this sumptuous butter can put a unique spin on any dish.

Versatility is one of the most unique traits of cashew butter. Dip fresh strawberries into melted cashew butter, top with crushed cashews and then refrigerate overnight to create a classy snack. Melt cashew butter to make regional dishes like cashew chicken, pad thai noodles or coconut-cashew soup. No time to cook? Spread cashew butter onto soft or whole wheat toast for a quick snack.

Easy Almond Butter Chocolate Chunk Cookies

Using rich almond butter eliminates the need for extra butter, margarine or flour. The almond butter acts as a thickener and imparts the main flavor and texture. These cookies are chewy with the classic combination of sweet and salty that results from combining chocolate chips with almond butter.



  1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees Fahrenheit. Spray a large baking sheet with cooking spray and set aside.
  2. Combine all ingredients except the chocolate chips into a large mixing bowl. Gently mix together until a well-combined cookie dough forms.
  3. Add chocolate chips to the bowl. Stir them in just enough to evenly distribute the ingredient.
  4. Using a measuring spoon, scoop out 2-Tbs. balls of cookie dough onto the baking sheets.
  5. Bake cookies for approximately 12 minutes or until the edges are golden brown.
  6. Remove cookies from oven and allow to cool directly on the baking sheet.
  7. Remove the individual cookies using a large spatula and enjoy.

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